Adhesives for wood are classified according to their durability, this rating is indicated by the 'D' and is followed by a number. The D rating on wood adhesives indicates the durability of the adhesive, and is based on the adhesive's water resistance and bond strength. The number indicates the adhesive's durability class.

To ensure each product meets the required standard, it undergoes rigorous testing in line with EN205 guidelines.


Wood Adhesive Classification Ratings

D1 : Interior use only, where the moisture content of the wood does not exceed 15%.

D2 : Interior use with occasional short-term exposure to running or condensed water and/or occasional high humidity, provided the moisture content of the wood does not exceed 18%.

D3 : Interior use with frequent short-term exposure to running or condensed water and/or heavy exposure to high humidity. Exterior use where not exposed to weather.

D4 : Interior use with frequent long-term exposure to running or condensed water. Exterior use exposed to weather but with adequate surface protection.

Pro 40P Soudal trade wood adhesive

Choosing the correct adhesive

Bonding wood