isolatie verlijmen

Bonding of isolation material

Do you have a drummer or DJ living with you? Give them their own space in the attic and insulate the room with soundproofing panels.


1. Calculate how much acoustic insulation you need and cut it to size

Measure the walls against which you want to fix the panels. Calculate how much acoustic insulation material you will need. Cut the panels to size for corners and around doors and windows. TIP: You will lose some material when cropping. Therefore allow for an extra 10%.

2. Clean the surface

Remove all irregularities from the walls. Make the surface dust and grease free before you apply the adhesive.

3. Apply the adhesive

Thoroughly stir the Soudal Polystyrene pot and apply the adhesive to the wall using a spreader. Apply the adhesive in dots on smaller surfaces.

4. Stick on the acoustic panels

Position the panels with a sliding movement on to the adhesive layer. Press firmly.


  • Perform an adhesion test on the material that you want to bond beforehand. This way you will know for sure that your acoustician insulation panels will adhere properly.
  • You can also use Soudal Polystyrene to stick on polystyrene ceiling tiles and insulation foam or to bond other synthetic foam materials.
  • Did you spill Soudal Polystyrene? As long as the adhesive has not hardened, you can easily remove any residue and stains with water.
  • Calculate how much acoustic insulation you can stick on in 10 minutes. Only apply adhesive to that surface.

The following is also useful:

  • Quickly clean your hands and material with Soudal Swipex.

You can find the technical sheet and all information about the use, shelf life, composition of Soudal Polystyrene by reading the product page.